DE -ÖKO- 006 Orangenblüte ist ein leichter, lieblicher Obsthonig und entfaltet den zarten Duft eines blühenden Orangenhains. Orangenblütenhonig eignet sich hervorragend zum Süßen von Tee, Joghurt und natürlich als Brotaufstrich. Im flüssigen Zustand ist der Orangenblütenhonig goldklar , im festen weißlich. Der spanische Orangenblütenhonig zählt zu den besten Orangenblütenqualitäten, die weltweit geerntet werden.
Das feucht-milde Meeresklima Schleswig-Holsteins fördert die Nektarsekretion des Rapses. Im Frühling locken die leuchtend gelben Felder und der liebliche Duft die Bienen in diese Frühtracht. Aufgrund des hohen Traubenzuckergehaltes kandiert der geschleuderte Honig rasch zu einem weißem bis gelblichen, zartcremigen, milden Honig.
Acacia honey is actually made from the nectar collected from Acacia tree blossoms ( black locust ) which produces a honey that is remarkably clear and pure. Because of its mild delicate floral taste it is one of the most popular and mildest honey varieties.certifiziert nach DE-ÖKO-006
Coriander honey is white golden amber colour, specific taste and mild aroma. It is produced from the nectar of the white blossoms of the coriander plant growing in the dry, rocky lowlands of the Carpathian Mountains. A very rare honey from the Carpathian mountains foreland.The honey is said to have immune-prophylactic, antioxidant and fungistatic properties, hence imminent to increase the efficiency of the human body.This pure, certified organic honey has a pleasantly spicy flavour with a minty aftertaste..certifiziert nach DE-ÖKO-006
The country of origin of this plant, belonging to the myrthacae, is Australia. There are about 900 different species. Its blossom vary greatly in colour and size. Eucalyptushomney is rather mild forest - blossom - honey reminiscent of caramel. Eukalyptus plants have been imported to several other states outside Australia.In Sardinia ( where we have own beestands ) you can find the white blooming Eucalyptus camaludensis.Besides being a good natural remedy for respiratory problems, Eucalyptus honey is a good antiseptic owing to its germicidal properties. It is good for healing wounds. ulcers, burns,cuts abrasions and sores.And the good news is: it tastes lightly of caramel and not of cough medizine!Are you a lea lover ? Then try Eucalyptus honey with your morning tea and it is a great accompaniment to chees , pastries and herbal teas.We have been carrying this honey for more than 40 years and it still enjoys great popularity. certifiziert nach DE-ÖKO-006
This organic Forest Honey is produced in Italy (Piemont). Piemont is one of the most beautiful landscapes in Italy, hilly and wooded. The sub-mediterranean climate supports the production of the honeydew. Especially in the damp morning and evening hours, the bees collect the honeydew of the broadleaf trees and the nectar of the chestnut trees.This results in a liquid, dark honey with a rich bouquet and a slightly malty taste reminiscent of fir trees.certifiziert nach DE-ÖKO-006
The Wild Quince or Marmeleiro tree grows in the north-east of Brazil, on the Brazilian tableland. The bloom starts after the rainy season and is very short but the Marmeleiro tree produces an opulent sea of blossoms.Marmeleiro is responsible for a large crop of nice mild and fruity, light coloured honey. It's definitely one of the best in the word! certifiziert nach DE-ÖKO-006
To grow best sunflowers need full sun and a fertile, moist, well-drained soil with heavy mulch. Sunflower seeds were brought to Europe in the 16th century, where, along with sunflower oil, they became a widespread cooking ingredient.Sunflower honey is light yellowcertifiziert nach DE-ÖKO-006
Mexico, wild Korblütler, sun yellow, creamy, mild.One of our - especially for children - is the most popular honey yellow spreadable delicate wildflower honey from the pristine highlands of Mexico. Here it is primarily the wild Korblütler are especially orange flowering known as Mexican Sunflower, which forms the basis of costume.A photo of this beautiful plant you can see in the photo album on the homepage.certifiziert nach DE-ÖKO-006
Yucatan, lilac-like creamy solid, very flowery.Beekeeping is almost the only form of agricultural use in the barren, nördlchen original part of the Yucatan peninsula.In spring, the Indio-bees collect a mildly aromatic, like a lilac-scented honey from the flowers sea of ??white and yellow daisies.The Dzidzilché `Busch makes with its small white flowers form the basis for the second crop, also with a darker honey fliederartigem flavor.A classic honey in our assortment. For more than 30 years.A special treat for honey connoisseurs.certifiziert nach DE-ÖKO-006
0.5 Kilogramm
(€13.00* / 1 Kilogramm)
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