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Acacia Honey 500g
Acacia honey is actually made from the nectar collected from Acacia tree blossoms (black locust tree) which produce a honey that is remarkably clear and pure. Because of its mild delicate floral taste it is one of the most popular and sweetest honey varieties. It can remain in a liquid state for a long period of time due to its high concentration of fructose. On the other hand, its content of sucrose is low. That is why people with a metabolic disorder should talk to their doctor if this honey is an appropriate addition to their nutrition. This honey is excellent for sweetening without altering the taste or the aroma of beverages. Just try it with your tea, coffee and it is great for muesli, too.Our Acacia honey comes from Hungary exclusively, where the woods have still obtained their pristine and untouched beauty.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€13.80* / 1 Kilogramm)

Apple Blossom Honey 500g
Our apple blossom honey comes from Europe's largest apple cultivation area called "Südtirol". Since the fruit bloom in this region is an early spring bloom it can't be taken for granted that there will be a crop. Bees quite often use it up for developing their colonies after long winter months.The honey is very light-coloured, fruity and tastes a little bit of apple blossom. It is a valuable asset to the nutrition of young and old.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€15.80* / 1 Kilogramm)

Avocado Honey
A very dark honey made of the nectar of the small white blossoms of the avocado trees. Grown in the tropical regions of Mexico the Avocado tree reaches 15 meters in height.The avocado honey is full-bodied with a bouquet reminiscent of plum and malt/molasses, with a buttery finish. Its versatility is suitable for both savory and sweet dishes. Try it with your morning muesli or even strong, black coffee.Honey and avocado are very well known to those of you who like the beauty benefits of honey. Treat yourself to an avocado honey mask. What could be easier than this for cleansing and pumping up your skin keeping it free from all the impurities we may be faced with throughout our day.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€13.00* / 1 Kilogramm)

Buckwheat Honey 500g
A very remarkable honey, because of its strong and malty/molasses aroma, but one of our bestsellers! It is dark, full-bodied and rich in iron - a key reason for honey lovers. Buckwheat honey has been found to contain more antioxidant compounds than some lighter honeys.It is an effectice cough medicine. In the kitchen its strong flavour makes it popular for hearty baked goods and BBQ sauces. It can be used for cooking poultry, foie gras, pork or beef.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€11.80* / 1 Kilogramm)

Buschhonig mit Manuka 500g
Aus den unberührten, unzugänglichen Wäldern und Buschregionen Neuseelands, fernab von Landwirtschaft, Industrie und menschlicher Besiedelung stammt unser geimkerter Buschhonig. Hier sammeln die Bienen den Nektar der endemsichen Buschflora wie Manuka, Kanuka , Ratarata und vieles mehr. In diesem Honig sind 60 % Manukahonig enthalten, der Honig schmeckt lieblich aromatisch und ist insgesamt betrachtet ( mehr als die Hälfte ist Manuka ) ein Schnäppchen.

Callune Heather Honey 500g
Absolutely pure heather honey from France or Norway. Calluna is a low-growing evergreen native of Europe with a liking for dry acidic soils. Ling heather (calluna vulgaris) honey is considered the "true" heather honey. Ling heather has unique sensory qualities and exhibits a gelatinous property called thixotopism. Normally it is gel-like and firm but it will become temporarily liquid if stirred or agitated.Heather honey was famously harvested in the Lüneburg heath from the Middle Ages until the 19th century. It declined when the heathlands were reclaimed for crops.Ling heather honey is reddish orange to dark amber. It has a slightly bitter, tangy, pugent, smoky, mildly sweet taste that persists for a longer time. It has a strong, warm, woody, floral fresh fruit aroma reminiscent of heather flowers.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€21.80* / 1 Kilogramm)

Chestnut Honey 500g
For thousands of years chestnuts were a primary source of nutrition. The chestnut tree is one of the most beautiful and distinctive trees in the south of France and the Italian Tuscany.The honey is dark to black and remains liquid for a long time because of its high content of fructose and it has a relatively low acidity. Chestnut honey is rich of pollen and enzymes and It has an aromatic, pungent herbal aroma. The flavour is unique, not very sweet with a slightly bitter aftertaste. It is appreciated by honey lovers who like a strong but not so sweet honey.Enjoy it with strong cheeses or hearty meats.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€15.00* / 1 Kilogramm)

Clover Honey 500g
Clover is a creeping plant in the pea family which produces large amounts of nectar. In many regions of the world people use clover to control erosion on banks and hillsides, because the plant roots well, holding back the soil, and clover is also used for animal fodder. Clover only grows on unfertilized soil. Beekeepers who want to make clover honey place their hives in an area with a lot of clover, and they may even also plant clover around their hives to encourage their bees to feed especially on clover. It takes 2000 blossoms for one bee!You won't find a lot of clover crop growing farms in Germany anymore. The organic farmers use modern and fast harvesting machines that are too fast for the bees and therefore may kill a lot of them. Since Canada allows the crop growing of genetically modified rape, New Zealand is an ideal supplier for clover honey because of its combination of keeping of sheep and white clover growth. Sheep are slow enough for bees!Pure clover honey is pale to amber to almost white in colour, with a grassy floral scent and a subtle flavour. Easily spreadable, mild honey with a light taste of cinnamon.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€15.00* / 1 Kilogramm)

Cornflowerhoney 500 g

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€17.00* / 1 Kilogramm)

Dandelion Honey (The Alpes)
This is an extremely rare spring honey. It can only be harvested in regions without other "competing" plants, especially rape.Therefore, occasions are very rare and it only happens in some years that a possibility of harvesting dandelion nectar is given: in the polders of East Frisia, North Frisia or in the hillsides of the Alps and the Allgäu.From a therapeutic point of view, dandelions and dandelion honey help the liver and kidneys to do their work and keep the bowels in healthy condition, particularly important to dyspeptics as it does not cause wakefulness.The taste is strong with medium sweetness and a slightly astringent lingering aftertaste that has been described as refreshing. A creamy buttery texture suits an application on toast or breakfast rolls and this combination makes a fine morning treat.

Date Honey ( Jujube )
This Product was added to our catalogue on Friday 26 July, 2013.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€11.80* / 1 Kilogramm)

Eucalyptus Honey 500g
The country of origin is Australia. There are about 900 different species. Its blossoms vary greatly in colour and size (photo gallery). Eucalyptus honey is a rather mild forest honey (no honeydew) reminiscent of caramel. Eucalyptus plants have been imported to Sardinia and most other south European countries (white blooming Eucalyptus camaldulensis).Besides being a good natural remedy for respiratory problems, Eucalyptus honey is a good antiseptic owing to its germicidal properties. It is good for healing wounds, ulcers, burns, cuts, abrasions and sores. It is often recommended to patients suffering from rheumatism, lumbago, spraint ligaments and tendons, stiff muscles, aches and even nerve pain. And the good news is: it tastes lightly of caramel and not of cough medizine! Are you a tea lover? Then try Eucalyptus honey with your morning tea and it is a great accompaniment to cheeses, pastries and herbal teas.We have been carrying this honey for more than 40 years and it still enjoys great popularity.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€11.00* / 1 Kilogramm)

Fennel Honey
Fennel is a member of the unbelliferous plants family. Other interesting members are: hogweed, chervil and wild carrots - only to mention some, but there are others, too."Real" Fennel honey (Foeniculum vulgaris) from Germany is a rarity. There is a big difference between this honey and a the so called "Fennel honey" that is blended with sugar and syrup although the "Honey Ordinance" strictly prohibits the blending of honey with additives like fruits, flavours, juices, nuts or herbal extracts or sugar.The consumer should always feel safe that there is nothing else in the jar but the pure honey produced by the bees and no honey blending. (see Sea Buckthorn and honey).Amber colour, is very aromatic and has a broad variety of tastes. Try it with sauces, marinades, salads and fish.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€17.80* / 1 Kilogramm)

Fir Tree Honey (Black Forest)
White fir tree honey is one of the most famous and valuable honeys in western Europe. It is a specialty particularly produced in the Black Forest by local apiaries. Because of high humidity, especially in the morning and evening hours, honeydew is being fermented twice. This results in a very dark honey with a malty and tasty flavour. It is characteristic for the honey to have a slight greenish shimmer.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€23.00* / 1 Kilogramm)

Hamburg-town-honey ( summer basswood) 500g
...a product of so called urban beekeeping

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€15.00* / 1 Kilogramm)

Heather Honey 500g
Dark in colour, Heather honey has a powerful aroma that is reminiscent of the heather from which it comes. Uniquely, it has a very unusual texture: it is thixotropic, which means that it is jelly-like until you stir it, when it turns liquid. When you stop stirring it soon sets again. That's not to say that it crystallizes because this honey is not inclined to crystallize in ist pure form. Its strong, rich, smoky taste has been compared to toffee, and gets stronger the longer the honey is stored.It is commonly served with ham, chicken, lamb, seafood and cold dishes and goes well with strong, black coffee. Heather honey is extremely high in protein content. Because of its high content of mineral it is used to treat anemia, urinary infections and various nervous system affections.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€17.80* / 1 Kilogramm)

Holsteiner Frühtracht 500 g
Wenn man die Bienen im Frühjahr an ihrem Standort belässt und nicht mit den Bienen "wandert", ist das Ergebnis der ersten frühen Ernte ein "Frühtrachthonig". In Norddeutschland ist dieser gewöhnlich hell, kandiert sehr rasch und schmeckt mild. Beteiligt ist meist etwas Weide, Raps, Himbeere, Ahorn, Obst und Weissdorn. Klee spielt noch keine Rolle, der kommt immer erst später. In jedem Jahr variiert der Frühtrachthonig natürlich, weil die eine oder andere Komponente wegfallen kann.

Jungle Honey
Jungle honeys collected from the jungle vegetation in the mountain valleys of Guatemala and Salvador. In some years the bees feed on the coffee plants of the mountain regions. Because of the ideal climatic conditions there is no need to feed sugar to the bees.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€11.00* / 1 Kilogramm)

Kirschblütenhonig 500 g, Deutschland
Die weissblühenden Kirschen blühen deutlich, teilweise Wochen, vor den Apfelbäumen. Je nach Kirschsorte gibt es unterschiedliche Blühtermine und regelrechte Kirschwochen. Die Kirsche ist unabdingbar auf Bestäuberbesuche angewiesen und bietet bei wärmeren Temperaturen ausreichend bis ergiebig Nektar. Der Kirschblütenhonig ist lieblich, meist hell cremig und nicht süß. Er hat ein feines, weitgefächertes Aromabukett, das sich schnell entfaltet. Je nach örtlichen Gegebenheiten kann aus den Baumreihen ein ganz bißchen Löwenzahnhonig die Sache abrunden.

Lavender Honey 500g
There are over 39 species of Lavender and the most popular species for commercial crops are True Lavender, Spike Lavender and Lavandin, a hybrid of these two. Lavender honey is produced from the nectar gathered by the bees from the flowers of the plants belonging to the Lavendula gender. Buy the "original" at our Honey Shop! Provence offers characteristic dry scale soil and almost unlimited hours of sunshine. Bees are in competition with the perfume industry, i.e. there are only 2 weeks to feed until the lavender harvest begins, a lot earlier than it used to be in the past.Lavender honey is a premium honey. Flowery, pleasant, well balanced and rounded, very fine honey aroma and the delicate floral scent with an evident Lavender component. It has a very persistent medium sweet taste that grows with the finish. An extraordinary honey. It contains weak acidity without bitterness, lingers in the mouth.Moderate crystallization, very fine. Extra white to extra light amber in colour. Lavender honey has a low content of water.It is recommended for people who suffer from chronic fatigue and intellectual exhaustion. It is also used to treat lung health problems, insomnia and migrane.Try Lavender honey over feta cheese, blu-cheeses and semi-soft cheeses such as Pierre Robert or Brillat-Savarin.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€21.00* / 1 Kilogramm)

Leatherwood /Tasmania 500g
Tasmania shares many of the same plants with Australia but it also has many unique species. Some of the oldest forests in the world grow here and are considered so valuable that over 2.5 million acres are protected as a World Heritage Site. Leatherwood is a cool temperate rainforest tree that produces masses of white, showy flowers with a sweet scent and considerable nectar. The name Leatherwood is likely in reference to the leather coloured sheath that covers young leaves and petals.Established worldwide as a distinct honey type and strong floral flavour. Its distinctive spicy flavour makes it an excellent spread on wheat bread, and an ideal ingredient in recipes as it not only sweetens but adds a fantastic aroma to cakes, muffins, coffee and tea. In my opinion this is one of the most remarkable honeys since 40 years.Its aroma is musky and spicy. The texture is creamy and smooth and it is not too sweet or acidic. It melts in your mouth and offers a lingering aftertaste. It crystallizes into very fine crystals and get quite firm. It is best appreciated in its liquid, creamy form. The colour is creamy yellow to ocher.

Linden Honey (Basswood)
The small-leaved Linden tree which grows in moist, clay soil and has clusters of small, yellow-white fragrant flowers hanging from slender stems, is common throughout northern Germany. At the height of blossoming in a Linden grove or on a street lined with Linden trees, the ambrosial aroma of the flowers surrounds you and draws bees from miles around. The White Basswood is known as the Bee tree because of the generous amounts of nectar produced by its drooping clusters of flowers.Linden honey is one of those honey varieties that will completely change the misconception of those who think that honey is no more than just sugared water. It has a light yellow colour and a very distinctive yet delicate fresh woody scent. Its aroma is described as mint, balsamic, menthol. It has a low acidity, is medium sweet and sometimes has a light bitterness. It has a persistent aftertaste and is slightly astringent. The crystallization rate is medium to fast with fine to medium sized crystals. Other aromatic notes: spicy-thyme, mentholated, geranium, hay, phenolic. It goes well with lemon sherbet and herbal teas.Because of its sedative and antiseptic qualities, it is a favourite for many people using it as a bedtime treat. It is recommended in cases of anxiety and insomnia, whereby honey can be combined with a bath of linden blossoms before sleep. Linden honey is also used in the treatment of colds, cough and bronchitis.

Content: 0.5 Kilogramm (€11.00* / 1 Kilogramm)

Mandelblütenhonig 500 g
Berits im Januar/Februar beginnen die Mandeln in Spanien zu blühen. Dann färben sich der ganze Landstriche weißlich bis rosa. Der Vorfrühling hält Einzug in Europa. Die Mandel ist, wie der Apfel, ein Rosengewächs und ist obligatorisch auf Bienenbestäubung angewiesen. Das Wetter ist noch nicht stabil, die Bienenfamilien sind noch klein und halb im Winterstadium, aus diesen Gründen ist auch die Ernte des Mandelhonigs nicht jedes Jahr zu erwarten. Der Mandelhonig ist mittelkräftig, eher lieblich und bukettreich. Erst im Abgang entfaltet sich ein feines Aroma, das an das bekannte Mandelaroma erinnert.

Manuka Honey
Found only in New Zealand's coastal areas, Manuka honey is collected from the flower of the Tea Tree bush. The Unique Manuka Factor (UMF), which is unique in the world, found in some Manuka honey is an antibacterial property which is especially effective for healing of stomach ulcer, sore throats, colds, indigestion, acne and pimples. Some people find Manuka honey too "medical" in taste but the intensity can vary from brand to brand due to the difference in source. Manuka honey has become a darling of the honey health industry.Yet for those who like a richly flavoured honey, this honey is the one! It is aromatic with damp earth and heather notes and a cool menthol (or eucalyptus) taste and rich flavour of mineral, barley sugar and herbs. It is medium sweet with a slightly bitter aftertaste. In its creamed form, the honey has a cool, smooth feel in the mouth. It is particularly good as comb honey. Or enjoy it direct straight from the spoon!
